KAEDE Hack blog

JavaScript 中心に ライブラリなどの使い方を解説する技術ブログ。

Entries from 2019-08-01 to 1 month

Struggled by Migration Err and Solved

CakePHP Migratation Error want I want to make database table in cake php console, so I searched migration command, but it does not work Err Foos-MBP:cms kaede$ bin/cake migrations migrate using migration paths - /Users/kaede/code/cake3/cms…


MySQL RENAME Fake News I cannot change databases column by the ordinary command. It was wrong, its fake news!!! My Env MacOS Mojave, MySQL Server version: 10.1.39-MariaDB Source distribution why Making a CRUD app, but I want to change tabl…


現役SEと進めるもくもく駆け出し会に参加しました! kakedashi.connpass.com why Suffering ruby on rails nokogiri err Organizer told me, here is a self work meeting which mentor is professional of rails. So I decided to join. where Ikenburku se…

Web Tools make work fast 20190812

time saving and access easily web tools この池袋の勉強会の帰りにかなり古屋さんに教えて貰って高まったので作業効率化できる、インスト不要のWeb Serviceをまとめる!!! なおGoogleのDrive, docs, Calendar, Keep, などは当然のごとく使えるものとして…

Sloved Nokogiri Error by libxml2 libxslt libiconv

RubyのノコギリGemのErrorを解決した 池袋の駆け出しエンジニアもくもく会で 崎山先生にホワイトボードも使って教えて頂いた。 Sakiyama told NOKOGIRI USING LOWER LAYER!!!! In Kakedasi Mokumoku pary, https://twitter.com/sakiyamaK taught me. He said…


Confirm Charge www.coconut-flavour.com This nice design app confirms: * Charging Watts and Discharging Watts * Manufactured Date * Mac age

redo php

REDO PHP why Could do nothing in hackerSon in ceress. abstract xampp,post,get, conn,sql,result, mysqli_query(), mysqli_fetch_assoc(), exe open OSX-Manager.app in /App/XMAPP/ o /Applications/XAMPP/manager-osx.app Open localhost/ by browser …