KAEDE Hack blog

JavaScript 中心に ライブラリなどの使い方を解説する技術ブログ。


Hello Bash!


What is bash

Bourne Again Shell.
Regular prompt is ´$´

Search your environment

Define your info by shell command!!!

echo $SHELL  
finger kaede
Login: kaede    Name: KAEDE
Dir: /Users/kaede   shell: /bin/bash/
on Since ....
No Mail.
No Plan.

bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.7.75(1)-release(x86_64-apple-darwin18)........

Dif of C lang

Shell Script is different from C language.
* No compilie, textfiles run, Not binary.
* Easy to culc string.
// write example
Good for combination of other cmds.
(It can use shell cmd like ´cp´, ´echo´ inside!)

Min tutorial

Open Your Termninal App.
Make a file named hello.sh
And give it a power: chmod 755 hello.sh
Write inside hello.sh

echo 'Hello shell!!'

Then run by ./hello.sh

It returns Hello shell!!

Linux Commands


Print "string" to the terminal.
echo -e: enables escape sq
sequence: [\t,\n,\c]
\c prevent line break


move fileName to your/path/here
or nameBefore to nameAfter


copy to newFileName to your/path/here
or nameBefore to copiedFileName


ln -s: make symbolic links. for example:

kaede: ~$ ln -s /opt/lampp/htdocs/ws/ .
kaede: ~$ cdls workspace
kaede: ~$ hi.php savetest.txt
kaede: ~$ pwd -P
kaede: ~$ /opt/lampp/htdocs/ws

This create dir alias.
(stack link)


man cmdName : open the command manual file.


print current dir structure.
pwd -P: print symbolic link real structure.


make file.


rm hoge.txt  
# remove the file  
rmdir foo/  
# remove the empty dir  
rm -rf hoge  
# remove every thing  
$ touch hoge.txt; ls
$ hoge.txt
$ rmdir hoge.txt
$ rmdir: failed to remote 'txt': Not a directory
$ rm hoge.txt; ls
$ mkdir hogedir
$ rm hogedir/
$ rm: cannot remove 'hogedir/': Is a directory
$ rmdir hogedir/; ls


word count. used in linux command pipeline.
who | wc: 5 25 264
who | wc -l: 5


sort results.

cat num3 num2 num1
3 2 1 
cat num3 num2 num1 | sort
1 2 3 



Create a file with contents
Print the files contents
Join 2 files
Overwrite a file by one file

Create a file

cat > fileName: can create a file
with contents. To end, press <C-d>

cat > createTest 
contents below...
2nd line
3rd line
(ctrl d)

cat createTest

contents below...
2nd line
3rd line

a file with contents.

Display files

Display contents of the file

cat ../hello.sh

echo 'Hello'

It can display multi files

cat hello hi
hello every body
hi world
Display options

cat -n filename: print with line numbers

cat songs
"Heal The World"
There's A Place In
Your Heart

cat -n songs
    1    "Heal The World"
    2    There's A Place In
    3    Your Heart

cat -e filename: print with $ mark at the end

cat -e songs
"Heal The World"$
There's A Place In$
Your Heart$

cat -T filename: change tab to ^I
but it will not work now...
cat filename | more: default??
cat filename | less: hide all but contents

join file1 contents to the file2's end

cat hoge >> foo:
join hoge content to foo's end

cat hello >> hi
cat hi
hi world
hello every body

join 3 files to one new file

cat file1 file2 file3 > newfile: newfile include file1 ~ 3 's contents.

cat hi hello songs > hihellosongs
cat hihellosongs

hi world
hello everybody
"Heal The World"
There's A Place In
Your Heart

overwrite a file by a file

cat originFile > writtenFile: Overwrite writtenFile by originFile

cat hi hello
hi world
hello everybody
cat hi > hello 
cat hi hello
hi world
hello everybody
